Monday, July 21, 2008

Danger on the highways the news today is a story about danger for all of us out on the highways. It would appear that many trucking companies out there have hired and probably still continue to hire people that should not be driving any vehicle, let alone tractor trailers and buses. These medically unfit drivers have caused accidents and deaths across America when they blacked out, had heart attacks, diabetic episodes, and other medical problems which rendered them incapable of handling a vehicle.

Here's a link to one article about this problem:

A stated reason for this problem is the confusing mass of federal and state safety regulations. Now I don't doubt that the regulations are dense and confusing, but unspoken in the news thus far from what I have seen is another problem. Since the rise of the diversity movement and everything accompanying it, we here in America seem to have the foolish notion that we should not discriminate against anyone for any reason.

This trucking problem should illustrate that we DO need to discriminate, when safety is concerned. There is no valid or logical reason to put a disabled person or other medically unfit person behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer or bus. Give them a job? Sure! But not behind the wheel of a truck or bus. Now, I'm as much for creating opportunity for disabled persons as anyone else, but we have to use common sense. I blame this diversity movement and related ideas for making people stupid with the ideal that anyone anywhere can do any job, if that's what he wants to do, and we have to hire people even though they're physically unfit. I agree it's wrong to discriminate for a job based on ethnicity, religion, politics, etc., but when it comes to safety and the ability to do a job, the employer absolutely should be discriminating in his selection process. After all, discriminate means to select the best, and when it comes to the people out there driving heavy vehicles for a living, I want the best.

Today In American History:

In 1861, the Battle of Bull Run was fought. 3,000 Union soldiers died in that battle, while Confederate forces had 2,000 casualties. Those southerners sure could fight.

In 1865, Wild Bill Hickok agreed to a duel with Dave Tutt. A day after the agreement, the duel took place with Wild Bill killing Dave with a shot center-mass. Apparently Tutt fired first, but he drew fast and fired wild, completely missing Wild Bill, who then drew his gun and killed Tutt. I bet Tutt was a liberal.

Some notable birthdays for today include Ernest Hemingway, Don Knotts, Janet Reno, and Cat Stevens (uh, Yusuf Islam).

People, that's it. Y'all have a grand day here in America.

107 days left till Obama gets his ass kicked in the general election.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Great American

Let's take a few moments to remember one of the great Americans of the Twentieth Century: Neil Armstrong. Today is the anniversary of when he stepped out from the Eagle onto the surface of the moon and spoke the famous words: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Way to go, Neil.

108 days left till Obama gets his ass kicked in the general election. Hoorah!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Good Morning America

It's a new day in the good old U. S. of A. As I sit here typing this, I can see the sun rising out of my office window. Very few clouds are floating in the sky and from the look of things, there's a promise of fine weather today in the heartland.

This is my first entry at this blog, so perhaps an introduction is in order. My online name is Sgt. Slaughter, and I am a veteran who loves America and everything for which she stands; One nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all, Amen. I served my country for seven years in the United States Army. I have a wife and one son, and they both love America as much as I do.

What can you expect from this blog? A number of things, actually. I will be writing about the people, places and events that make our country great. I will also be writing about the people who hate America and do their best to tear her down or destroy our fine way of life. I can assure you, what I write about them won't be nice. Occasionally, the reader may come across a story about the military, and sometimes, those stories may have mature content. When that happens, I will place words to that effect at the beginning of the entry to warn the reader.

'Nuff said about that.

Time to move on to today's historical report.

Today In America

Let's see. In 1843, Amelia Jenks Bloomer, contributed to the world of American fashion by introducing a new dress that, in time, would be known as a bloomer.

Hmm.....hey, here's an interesting tidbit. Today marked the first time Doc Holliday killed a man. Apparently some jackass started shooting up Doc's saloon, and Doc put the man in the ground. Go, Doc Holliday.

In 1935, July 19th marked the installation of the first automatic parking meter in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The meter was invented by a man named Carlton Magee. Good job, Carlton. Millions of Americans can thank you for your invention.

On this day in 1949, Harry Belafonte began his recording career. Too bad he turned out to be such a puke outside of his career as an entertainer. Ole Harry's nothing but a damned communist. To hell with his music, I say. There's plenty enough other good songs out there to enjoy that I don't need to spend even one minute listening to a jackass who actually thinks Fidel Castro is praiseworthy. I'd love to get Harry and lock him in an auditorium so he can speak his crap to an audience of Cuban refugees who fled the horrors of their country for a better life in the good old U. S. of A.

Finally, today marked the birth of Samuel Colt, who invented the Colt revolver. A hearty thank you goes out to Sam.

People, that's it for this morning. Y'all have a great day out there. Remember, only 109 days left till Obama gets his ass kicked on Election Day. Hoorah!